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Etsy Photo Requirements for Sellers in 2023

Etsy Image Requirement

The first thing that comes to mind when considering to upload a photo to Etsy is: What are the requirements to upload images to Etsy?

Etsy has specific photo requirements for all vendors in order to ensure a visually appealing and uniform browsing experience. These recommendations are intended to optimize your listings, enhance their visibility, and ultimately increase your sales. By comprehending and adhering to these requirements, you can effectively present your products in the most favorable light, attracting buyers’ attention and establishing yourself apart from the competition.

In this guide, we will delve into the latest photo requirements set by Etsy. We’ll explore the resolution, composition, and details necessary to create captivating visuals that accurately represent your products. Whether you’re a seasoned Etsy seller or new to the platform, this guide will provide you with the knowledge and tools to create stunning product listings that leave a lasting impact on your customers.

Etsy Photo Essentials

A Guide to Creating Eye-Catching Product Images

When potential customers browse through Etsy, they are exposed to countless product images. To stand out from the competition, it’s crucial to have eye-catching thumbnail images that capture their attention. Professional product photos help create a positive first impression, making your online shop look more credible and trustworthy. By investing in high-quality images, you demonstrate that you take your business seriously and are committed to providing a professional shopping experience.

Customers need to feel confident when making a purchase online. Your product images should clearly showcase the size, colors, and materials of your items. By providing detailed and accurate representations of your products, you help potential buyers make informed decisions. High-quality images also help build trust with customers. When shoppers see professional photos, they perceive your products as higher quality and are more likely to trust your brand.

Etsy Image Requirements Infographics

Etsy Image Requirements Infographics

To create visually appealing and professional product listings on Etsy, it is important to adhere to the platform’s photo guidelines. These guidelines ensure consistency, quality, and a positive shopping experience for buyers. Here are the key requirements to keep in mind:

1. Image Quality

  • Use high-quality, high-resolution images that are clear and sharp.
  • Avoid pixelation, blurriness, or graininess in your photos.
  • Ensure the colors are accurate and true to the actual product.
  • Present your products in the best possible light with well-lit images.

2. Image Composition

  • Capture your product as the main focus of the image.
    Fill the frame with the product while leaving some breathing space around it.
    Utilize different angles, close-ups, or multiple images to showcase various aspects of the product.
    Crop out any unnecessary background or distracting elements.

3. Background and Surroundings

  • Use a clean and uncluttered background that complements the product.
  • A neutral or solid-colored background helps your product stand out.
  • Avoid busy or distracting backgrounds that take away from the product’s appeal.
  • Maintain consistency in the background style throughout your product images.

4. Lighting

  • Natural light or soft diffused lighting works best to showcase your products.
  • Avoid harsh shadows, glares, or uneven lighting.
  • Diffuse direct light using a lightbox or diffuser for a more even and appealing illumination.
  • Ensure the lighting accurately represents the colors and details of the product.

5. Image Editing

  • Use photo editing software to enhance the visual appeal of your images.
  • Adjust brightness, contrast, and saturation if needed, while maintaining product accuracy.
  • Remove any distractions or blemishes while keeping the product’s integrity intact.
  • Avoid excessive editing that may misrepresent the product’s appearance.

6. Watermarks and Text

  • It’s generally recommended to limit or avoid watermarks on your product images.
  • Minimal or no text overlay is preferred, as it can distract from the product.
  • Use text sparingly for branding or when necessary to provide essential information.
  • Ensure any text used is legible and does not cover important details.

7. File Format and Size

  • Save your images in JPG, PNG, or GIF formats.
  • Keep the file size under 20MB to ensure fast loading speeds.
  • Strive for a balance between image quality and file size to optimize performance.

By following these Etsy Photo Guidelines, you can create visually compelling listings that effectively showcase your products, attract buyers, and increase your chances of making sales. Remember to regularly review and update your product images to ensure they align with the latest guidelines and represent your products in the best possible way.

File Type Requirements

File Type Requirements refer to the specific types of file formats that are accepted or recommended for uploading on a particular platform or system. 

Following these requirements ensures that the files can be easily accessed and used without any issues. It is important to meet these requirements to ensure compatibility and proper functionality within a specific platform or system.

Image Size Requirements on Etsy

  • Listing images: Etsy recommends a minimum size of 1000 x 1000 pixels for listing images. This ensures that your products are displayed clearly and attractively to potential buyers. Opting for higher resolution images allows customers to zoom in and examine the details of your items more closely.  
  • Shop icon: Your shop icon should be 500 x 500 pixels to create a recognizable and visually appealing representation of your brand. It appears on your shop page and in search results, so make sure it accurately represents your shop’s identity.
  • Profile photo: Etsy suggests a profile photo size of 400 x 400 pixels. This photo appears alongside your shop name and helps buyers connect with you on a personal level. Choose a clear and professional image that showcases your brand or your face if you’re comfortable with it.
  • Team logo: If you have a team, your team logo should be 500 x 500 pixels. This logo represents your team and can be used in promotional materials or events. Make sure it captures the essence of your team and aligns with your brand’s visual identity.
  • Order receipt banner: The recommended size for an order receipt banner is 760 x 100 pixels. This banner appears at the top of the order confirmation email your customers receive. It’s an opportunity to reinforce your brand and leave a positive impression.
  •  Mini shop banner: The mini shop banner size is 1200 x 160 pixels. This banner appears on mobile devices to provide a cohesive and visually appealing look for your shop. Use it to showcase your brand or featured products, creating a compelling first impression for mobile users.
  •  Big shop banner: The recommended size for a big shop banner is 1200 x 300 pixels. This banner displays on desktop devices, giving you another opportunity to captivate visitors and communicate your shop’s aesthetic or promotions effectively.
  • Carousel banner: Etsy suggests using images with a width of at least 1200 pixels for carousel banners. Carousel banners allow you to feature multiple products or images in a rotating slideshow. Maintain the aspect ratio to ensure your images display correctly.
  • Collage banner: For collage banners, Etsy recommends a size of 1200 x 300 pixels. Collage banners enable you to create a composition of multiple images to visually entice shoppers. Optimize the layout and emphasize key products or themes to make a striking visual impact.

Remember, following these recommended image size requirements will help you create visually appealing and professional-looking visuals that capture the attention of potential buyers and represent your brand effectively on Etsy.

Etsy Image Requirements Chart

Etsy Image Requirements Chart

Here’s an Etsy Image Requirements Chart summarizing the key requirements for different image types on Etsy:

Image Type

Recommended Size (Width x Height in pixels)


Listing Images

Minimum 1000 x 1000

Displaying your product effectively

Shop Icon

500 x 500

Representing your shop visually

Listing Images

Minimum 1000 x 1000

Displaying your product effectively

Shop Icon

500 x 500

Representing your shop visually

Mini Shop Banner

1200 x 160

Enhancing mobile shop appearance

Big Shop Banner

1200 x 300

Enhancing desktop shop appearance

Carousel Banner

1200 x 300

Presenting multiple product images in rotating slideshow

Collage Banner

1200 x 300

Creating visually appealing compositions of multiple images

Shop Icons and Profile Photos on Etsy

Clear and accurate product photos are essential in reducing the likelihood of miscommunication between you and your customers. When images accurately depict your products’ colours, sizes, and features, customers can make informed decisions without surprises upon delivery. High-quality images help customers understand exactly what they are purchasing, reducing the chances of returns and negative reviews. By ensuring your product photos are well-lit, properly edited, and accurately portray your products, you build trust and minimise the risk of customer dissatisfaction.

Cover Photos and Team Logos

Etsy’s cover photo serves as a branding asset, creating a strong visual presence for your shop. While the minimum resolution requirement is 1200 x 300 pixels, using a size of 3360 x 840 pixels is optimal for clarity. The key is maintaining a 4:1 aspect ratio. Team logos, created for collaborative groups, should be 170 x 100 pixels in size.

Thumbnail Images and Order Receipt Banners

Thumbnail images on Etsy are crucial for listings and should meet the platform’s image requirements. Order receipt banners, however, are displayed solely at the top of order receipts and should be 760 x 100 pixels. These banners do not appear directly on your shop front.

Mini-Shop and Big Shop Banners

For the mini-shop banner, the minimum size requirement is 1200 x 160 pixels, with a recommended size of 1600 x 213 pixels for optimal display. Larger shops should use big banners with a minimum size of 1200 x 300 pixels, and 1600 x 400 pixels is the preferred size for the best visual impact.

Carousel Banners on Etsy

Etsy’s carousel banners, typically used for promotions and highlighting featured products, should be 1200 x 300 pixels in size. These banners are an effective way to capture buyers’ attention and showcase key items or announcements in your shop.

Etsy’s guidelines may change over time, so it’s essential to check their official seller resources or guidelines for the most up-to-date information on image requirements and listing guidelines for subsidiary images.

How To Resize Images

Picture Perfect Photography: Professional Product Photographers

Ultimately, you mustn’t underestimate the power of professional photography and video – it could be the key to your success. It can and does make a significant impact on your revenues.

Our principal photographer and company founder Collette Evans has over twenty years of professional photography experience across a variety of industries and styles. She has worked with some of the biggest and best brands to elevate their online presence, which in turn has elevated their revenues. Our video partners, Big Sky Creative have over 10 years of industry experience in creating both short and long-form videos and reels to promote your brand effectively. 

Collette will work with you to understand your objectives and aspirations and is as experienced in following a brief to the letter, as she is working with you to suggest creative strategies and shot lists ahead of time. In turn, this can leave you to focus on managing your sales processes, customer service and sourcing product stock.  

To have a chat with us about optimising your Etsy store, and to help us understand your key objectives, get in touch or book a call. We look forward to working with you and to making your business as profitable as possible.

Best Practices for Listing Image

When it comes to creating appealing listing images on Etsy, there are several best practices you can follow to make your products stand out. Here are some tips:

1. Showcase the Product Clearly

Ensure that your product is the focal point of the image and that it is visible and distinct. Use high-resolution images that faithfully capture the features and details of your product. Vary the angles and, if necessary, provide close-ups to emphasize specific aspects.

2. Use Proper Lighting

Lighting plays a vital function in enhancing the appeal of your products. To avoid harsh shadows and glare, use natural light or soft, diffused illumination. Ensure that the lighting faithfully reflects the hues and textures of your products.

3. Consider Compositional Elements

Use composition techniques such as the rule of thirds or leading lines to frame your product in a visually appealing manner. Create balance, symmetry, or contrast to enhance the visual appeal and interest of your images.

4. Maintain Branding Consistency

If your brand has a distinct aesthetic, it should be reflected in your listing images. Utilize backgrounds, color palettes, and objects that are consistent with your brand identity. This aids in establishing a consistent and recognizable brand presence.

5. Utilize Lifestyle or Contextual Imagery

Depending on your product, consider using lifestyle or contextual images to demonstrate how the product can be used or to provide a sense of proportion. This assists potential purchasers in visualizing the product in their own lives.

6. Use Quality Editing Techniques

Improve the visual allure of your images by editing them carefully. Adjust the luminance, contrast, and saturation to optimize the overall appearance, while preserving the accuracy of the product. Avoid excessive retouching that misrepresents the product’s actual appearance.

7. Keep Image File Sizes Optimized

Ensure image file sizes are optimized for quick rendering while maintaining quality. Compress the images without forsaking excessive clarity or detail. This facilitates a seamless perusing experience for prospective purchasers.

Remember, high-quality listing images have the power to attract attention, convey the value of your products, and persuade customers to make a purchase. By following these best practices, you can create visually compelling and professional-looking images that set your listings apart on Etsy.


Adhering to Etsy’s photo requirements for sellers in 2023 is essential for a successful and trustworthy online business. If you ensure your product photos are clear, accurate, and meet Etsy’s guidelines, you can enhance customer satisfaction, reduce returns, and build a strong brand reputation. Remember that high-quality images are a powerful tool in conveying the value and uniqueness of your products to potential buyers, ultimately contributing to your success on the Etsy platform.

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